Volunteer Opportunities

We strongly believe that growing the movement to end sexual violence includes YOU!

Become a Volunteer now!

MIWSAC is not a direct service provider. If you are seeking volunteer opportunities working directly with survivors, please connect with our member programs or other organizations who work directly with survivors.

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We love to talk with people about how we could incorporate your unique skills and talents into our collective efforts.

We may not have the ability to support all ideas due to funding and staff capacity, but we welcome the conversation!

If you would like to be on a contact list for when we have volunteer needs or want to talk with us more about opportunities, please email [email protected].

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We are in the beginning stages of developing an internship program. If you are seeking an internship for school credit, please reach out to us so we can determine if we would be a good placement for you. Please email [email protected] with information about your program, internship requirements, and any questions you might have for us!

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MIWSAC Survivor Fund

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Other ways of supporting MIWSAC

If you aren’t able to volunteer or donate, please know that you can still be involved in supporting our work! If you use social media, like or share our posts. Think of us when you are doing ceremony or praying. Tell others about the work we do. We value your support in whatever way you are able.
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Creating Safety and Justice Through the Teachings of Our Grandmothers

Survivors of sexual violence cannot be blamed for the trauma and pain inflicted upon them. As a community, we must educate ourselves and rise up to hold harm-doers accountable and interrupt all forms of violence.

If you are seeking immediate assistance:

STRONGHEARTS Native Helpline:

1-844-7 NATIVE 

Polaris Project: National Human Trafficking Hotline

1-888-373-7888 or text “BeFree” to 233733

RAINN: Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network:

National Domestic Violence Hotline: