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Solidarity shawl project

A Sacred Symbol

A USDOJ study concluded that 31.4% of American Indian and Alaska Native women- or more than 1 in 3- will be raped during their lifetime. Amnesty International’s interviews with women across Indian country found that most could not think of a woman within their community who had not been subjected to sexual violence. (Amnesty International: Maze of Injustice, 2006)

Shawls are very symbolic to Native people. The fringe is said to represent the tears of Indian women crying for the pain and suffering the people have endured for generations; yet it also represents strength, beauty, and solidarity.

The red, teal, and purple Solidarity Shawls were created by Native women to show their solidarity and support for other Native women and children who have been victimized by sexual assault and/or domestic violence.

Women Wearing Shawls
Women Wearing Shawls at Pow Wow

The teal colored fringe honors victims and survivors of Sexual Assault. The purple fringe honors victims and survivors of Domestic Violence. The red shawl honors all Native people who have survived many forms of violence throughout history.

Because shawls are so precious to our people, yet we have many Non-native supporters who wish to share in our solidarity, we have created small wraps to place over ones arm. We appreciate this support while respecting our unique cultural practice of wearing shawls.

We also have many men who support our efforts to end violence against Native women and children. For them, we have created armbands with teal and purple ribbon to encourage participation in the restoration of respect and balance within our communities.

Shawl making


Basic supplies recommendation

2-3 yards of Red fabric- Cost: $4-$5 per yard
100% polyester, Gabardine, or broadcloth is recommended because they are sturdy fabrics that are wrinkle and fade resistant.

1-2 1000 yard spools of purple and/or teal fringe- Cost $15.30 per 1000 yard spool

We are using Peacock # 239 and Purple # 284 for our shawls.

1 spool red thread- $2
Needle, fine crochet hook, or tool of your choice to add fringe- Cost $2- $10 if you want to get fancy!
Your organization logo can also be printed at a print shop. Price varies.

To bring the Solidarity Shawls Honoring Survivors to your community or event

Contact MIWSAC
at 1-877-995-4800 or [email protected].

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