MIWSAC is seeking a graphic designer with the skills and experience to create a logo based on feedback from our stakeholders, which include our Circle Keepers, coalition membership, partners, and staff. The full Request for Proposals can be found HERE.
Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition (MIWSAC) uses culturally based training, technical assistance, strategies, resources, tools, and a wide range of events and activities to engage and support survivors of sexual violence, advocates, service providers, community, and allies that are working to end sexual violence and sex trafficking across Minnesota’s 11 federally recognized Tribal Nations, urban Native bases, and Tribal communities across the country.
MIWSAC’s work is grounded in the philosophy that each of us have a role, purpose, and place in eradicating sexual violence. As we galvanize gender, race, age, orientation, expertise and experience, we are all safer.
Our organization has grown tremendously in recent years, expanding our work to focus not only and ending sexual violence throughout the state of Minnesota, but serving as a national training and technical assistance resource to communities across the country and internationally. MIWSAC provides a Native-focused comprehensive, 40-Hour Sexual Assault Advocacy training, which was first piloted in 2011 and created by Native women experts in the field. This tool is designed for Tribal communities and non-Native service providers working with and for Native people who have been impacted by sexual violence. Additionally, this product contains information that is Alaska-specific. MIWSAC’s services and resources can be made available virtually and in-person upon request.
The work we do provides new and seasoned advocates with the knowledge and skills they need to promote sexual violence prevention and to provide culturally sponsored survivor-centered advocacy for victims / survivors of sexual violence including sex trafficked survivors, while also addressing conditions that make sexual violence possible in the first place at the social and systemic level.
DOWNLOAD the full Request for Proposals
To apply, please email your completed proposal, including Narrative and Application, to Becki Jordan, Communications & Design Specialist, by September 9, 2024. Native artists are strongly encouraged to apply.